About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Saturday, October 18

Cleaning Day Tradition

So today is Saturday, which in our family is a traditional "CLEANING DAY."
(I find myself singing...Saturday, is a special day, It's the day we get ready for sunday...lol).
If you ask my kids, they are not disappointed it's Saturday, even though the tradition is work. This is because there is a reward, and when there is a reward, I find the environment is possitive. The kids are busy and HAPPY to help each other. They stay on task. They even Help MOM. After we are all done, we go do something that the kids don't normally get to do... like go swimming, to McDonalds, or a community event. Somedays, we just simply make a craft together.

Today, we went to a hockey game for the first time. Did you all know I was a hockey mom? Yeah, me and Sarah Palin are tight like that...both Alaskan Hockey Moms.

Trey thought about it and decided he wanted to Try Ice Hockey. However, he needs to learn how to Ice Skate first. That is going to be our first obstical to over come. In the mean time, we were there to root on Cristopher, trey's neighborhood friend who has been playing for a couple of years.

It was really cold in the rink so we wore our snow coats.
Mattie and Morgan had to try out the helmets on the wall in the adventure. I think we will try skateing some time soon since there are lessons available for kids.

I trully enjoy spending good quality time with them. They are good kids...when they want to be.


Raven said...

you are so good at this blog thing! I want to be like you!!! and your kids are so cute and I love your blog background!!!!

Brooklet said...

Hey Bethany! Of course I remember you! I am amazed to find you in Alaska!! I read through your posts, trying to get clues about how you ended up there, about your kids, what you have been up to for the last ten years. We have some things in common- I have a little named Morgan, too. And my husband is a big outdoorsman like your husband, and he would move to Alaska in a heartbeat for the fishing and the hunting!

We are finishing our last year in PA- we are here for dental school. We finish next spring. We are in the Navy, so we go where they need us for the next four years so we will see where it takes us.