About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Saturday, November 1


This is a big halloween tradition in the world...carving pumpkins. It is an adventure every year because the kids grow, and so do their creative abilities.

Andy, Morgan, and Mattie were partners on their pumpkin. He soon discovered that carving wasn't an easy task. He chose a patern that was a level 3, which required a lot of patients...which my husband has none. But, after he got started, there was no turning back.Trey, on the other hand, chose the more traditional approach and drawing by hand. This allowed him to do most of the work himself instead of watching. I think this is the first year he completed the pumpkin completely solo. He had a hard time understanding what you cut out isn't the part you see, it is what is left on the pumpkin that you see. So, at first it had razer sharp teeth, but was left with a huge smile!.Here the boys are examineing their finished product and looking to see what can be improved. PERFECTIONISTS.Mattie and her first experience. Pretty much all she did was watch, but she had to be straped into her chair.The Great Pumpkin of 2008...and it's creaters!


The Trumans said...

That is some good looking pumpkins there!! You all have some ambition! Only Monica at our home even carved a pumpkin this year..lol..yes we are all sooo lazy! Anyways, the pumpkins look cool!!

Ashleigh said...

we did a good job buying a pumpkin but we never got around to carving it. i feel so ashamed. this is my first year that i didnt carve one. i did make pumpkin bread though! i do have a good excuse for not getting into the spirit of halloween, i just had a baby! whats your excuse karrie? haha. anyways, i love how trey was creative and did his pumpkin all by himself. thats how we had to do it when we were little. we didnt have the luxury or craving kits and patterns. andys pumpkin did turn out pretty sweet though. looks like you guys had some fun halloween festivities this year.

Raven said...

Looks like you guys had FUN! Mattie is SO freaking cute! Seriously, I loved her outfit! And the others were way cute also. You looked good too! I so need to update mine and make it look cool like you did yours. I will call you asap! I feel SO busy with one 8 month old, HOW DO YOU DO IT with three???