About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Sunday, November 30

The Nightmare Santa Visit

10:15am:I was cleaning the kitchen and heard on the radio that santa was flying in on a helicopter at 11am. I quickly put down my dish rag and got the kids ready. They had to look nice too because there were pictures with Santa after his arrival. So, Trey needed a haircut badly because he got a hold of scissors last Sunday and cut a big chunk of his hair out (as you can see in the thanksgiving portraits).

Before I new it, it was already 11 and we didn't make it to santa's arrival, but we could still make it to santa. The kids were all dressed in their Christmas dresses and hair all done. I was excited.
I walked in the door to the mall and there was a huge line...so what did I do? I had to stand in the line, we were already there. And the line moves so slow!

20 minutes passed and the line was moving enough that we were in the middle. Mattie was not...LET ME REPEAT...NOT HAVING FUN. She didn't want to be held, but yet I couldn't let her down. She SCREAMED, KICKED, EVEN BIT ME! I PUT HER ON MY SHOULDERS AND SHE PULLED MY HAIR OUT. I was completely embarrassed and didn't know what to do....except CRY....yes, I broke down and cried right there in the line...
To make matters worse, I told the kids lets go home and Morgan started to cry saying "Santa, Santa, I want to see Santa!" If I wasn't embarrassed then, I definitely was the center of attention as a struggling mom.
12:30pm: Got the kids up to Santa to sit on his lap. I got ready to take a picture for this blog and the lady says "Sorry, no pictures. You can buy them for 7.00 though" ARE YOU SERIOUS! Of course this is a credit card world and I don't have any cash. I even asked if I could stand out in the hall and take a picture but she said no. I didn't want to make anymore of a scene...so I just THOUGHT everything I wanted to say to that lady, but didn't say it. Plus she was an elf
AS I WAS LEAVING THE MALL: Mattie ran from me. I had to put her down, we were finally out of the line...but she ran from me. I proceed to catch her and I snagged her arm. She tried to escape by making her body limp and then, her hand slipped out of mine and her face smashed into the ground. BLOOD WAS GUSHING OUT OF HER NOSE AND RUNNING ALL OVER.



The Trumans said...

Oh my gosh!!! Beth, you poor dear!! I am so sorry! What a nightmare...HUGS!!!

Rachel said...

Beth, sorry to hear about this ordeal. I got a little behind reading blogs and just got caught up on yours. I think all moms have moments like this. Sooner or later your kids will appreciate your holiday efforts.
And I hate those mall santa's that don't let you take your own photo. Come on! And to top it off it was an elf telling you no! People are nuts!

Mark and Emily said...

Wow, that sounds like a torture I do not ever want to endure! How do you moms do it?!! Way to go for sticking it out though, you are a trooper!