About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Saturday, February 21


So I have had a life changing momment...probably just temporary. For some reason, I really wanted a hair cut and chopped off all my hair. For a lot of reasons, I really like it and feel younger. Why would a 28 year old want to feel younger? Life was a lot simper when I was younger, thats for sure. But I also cared about what I looked like and lately, I really could care less. Honestly, I GO TO THE GROCERY STORE straight out of bed sometimes! There is something seriously wrong with me.
Since I am preparing for my family vacation, It is all I can think of. Seriously, you would think I was going to Italy or Hawaii how excited I am. But going back home!!! It brings back my childhood years and being around friends that you grew up with! My uncles, My sister and her wild bunch, and of course I always have to stop by Ravens cool house just to see what she has done to the place! And then Angie, she is so sweet and I love to make her laugh...because she always laughs at my corky jokes...
Then going to Arizona is always fun to me...who wouldn't like to show up somewhere where the sun is the first thing you see with never ending roads? We always go out on the ranch. Theres something beautiful and peaceful about it. Andy and I have had some of our best conversations on durt roads. The kids love to run!! I can't wait to beable to do it...you feel so alive!
So...yes I have a very personal connection to this vacation.


The Trumans said...

3 Words: I LOVE IT! When you talked to me this morning I was a little worried...but it is really nice! And very modern. CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!

Raven said...

Oh my gosh I LOVE your hair! LOVE it! I love the cut and the color is awesome! You are back to being the may-jah blonde bombshell that I remember from high school! You look great and it you DO look much younger!!

Raven said...

oh and p.s. You would go to the store STRAIGHT OUT OF BED? Beth, are you kidding? THAT is bad haha!

Ashleigh said...

I love your hair! sO CUTE! I got a haircut like this last summer and absolutly loved it. I miss it. You are one hot mamma! Hope you have fun in Washington & Arizona. Miss you

Kelsey said...

I think your hair looks adorable! It's always fun to have something to look forward to and get excited about! Have fun!

Rachel said...

Your hair looks great. I always look forward to going home for vacation too. Hope you have a good trip and that we get to see you before you go.