About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Wednesday, March 25


Watching other families kids is an adventure. After every day, you are exhausted and just want to rest and not listen to another complaint about how boring life is or that your brother just said something like "boogers" to you. Today is day 3 of spring break, and I have volunteered my services to watch 3 extra kids during this week.

Today is Wednesday, and with 6 kids, 7:45am-5pm, I am ready for a "spring break." It is a lot of work. Here is what it is. You have to SCHEDULE out your day and fill them with activities, then with 2 toddlers you have to CHASE them out of rooms they aren't allowed in, and last try to keep kids QUIET while Andy is sleeping. I am doing so much running, that now...
I am exhausted! THIS IS A LOT OF WORK. Maybe I am a whiner, I don't know but honestly, I don't know how people do it day in, and day out...and keep there sanity.

Am I a whiner? Honestly?


Ashleigh said...

I dont know if your a winer, but your definetly a weiner.

Brooklet said...

oh no, you are not a whiner! I think taking care of other people's kids is a lot, LOT harder than taking care of your own- especially when it doubles your family size! good luck this week!

Rachel said...

I don't think you're whining, just giving us a peak into your week. It definitely can be hard to watch other kids. Hope the week ends well.

Kelsey said...

Nice comment Ash. I agree with Brooke I think it's harder when their not your own. You don't know them as well and what works best to keep them occupied. Good luck!

The Trumans said...

Hang in there beth..you are not a whiner! LOL..Ash..weiner..lol. Anyways, its so draining on you watching others kids. I think your advice is the best, schedule, and get them out to play.

Kristina said...

Welcome to the world of DAYCARE hehe.....and you wonder why I run for the mountain anytime I can! It's to keep my sanity :)


Anonymous said...

nope your not whining! i love have a great week!

Raven said...

hahahaha I love ashleigh's comment HAHA!! but no, you are NOT a winer...I would NEVER take care of someone else's kids haha! seriously though, I wouldn't. and I am having so much fun with gunner! HE loves the park! When are you coming back, btw??