About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Wednesday, April 29


MOMS DAY OUT. What would you do if you had 3 hours of time, with yourself, to do something you love? I love photography, sunshine, walks, and springtime. I have been wanting to get out and take some pictures of the brand new baby ducks that hatched recently...and this WAS the perfect opportunity for this.

I went home to change after dropping off the kids, loaded up my camera, and headed to the other side of the wetlands. The beauty joined me with sunshine and heat. It instantly brought back the feeling of home.

Growing up in my early childhood years, my dad use to take us on these long walks through hills in the desert of Pasco and Ringold. At times, there would be a stream of water running by. But my dad, he always felt at Peace on these walks. That is the memory I started out with on this walk.

I guess you can call this a boardwalk. It isn't a long one, but it is built for tourists during a real high tide...I would assume. But it made for a great picture.
This is why the birds migrate here in the Spring. The tall grass and the pools of water. I am in search of the ducks...but no luck yet.

The first stream I came upon. It was shallow and very calm to where you could see reflections. I could see a larger one in the distance that I start to head to. I hope there are some ducks hiding right over the ridge.
The old stumps are fascinating to me. When I was a little kid living in Oregon, there was part of the little city underwater. Can you imagine as a kid, AN UNDERWATER CITY?! So,me and my brothers and sisters would go to the park, walk down the dirt road,to the secret beach where the underwater city was. One particular time there was a huge log on the beach. With all of our strength and a lot of digging, we launched the log into the water and played on it for hours.
Off in the distance I spot a man. He was training his dogs for hunting. Some of these dogs are amazing hunters. Still no ducks though.
This stop had a pretty hard flowing river. It branched off into a million different little streams and paths. For sure I had hit the jackpot and I was on the right track to where the ducks where.

Sticky mud. Have you ever seen sticky mud?

And me. Of course, even though I'm all alone, I set up the camera for a shot of my hot boots. I know, my outfit isn't the best fashion. It looked good in the closet though.

OH LOOK...TRACKS!!! I must be close.

After further investigation, I am not sure if these ARE duck tracks after all. We couldn't decide.

A HUGE tree washed up. I wonder...how many years has this been here. AND I bet THIS IS THE BEST HUNTING BLIND!! I'm going to remember that this fall. I can't believe I haven't found ANY ducks/geese yet. At this point, I'm thinking they are sunning or something.

The helicopters and little "puddle jumpers" are seen flying overhead all day/24-7 in the summer. That is something I want to ride before I leave Alaska. Tell Andy that is what I want for my birthday.

THIRSTY ANYONE? Crystal Clear Alaskan Water. For Sale. I just started advertising, FOR 10.00 I WILL MAIL YOU FRESH ALASKAN WATER TO TRY!!
I finally found 2 birds. They were Sea Gulls about 150 yards away that I zoomed into with my Canon 70-300mm and manually set the focus on the birds. Still too far away for a great photo but I was just glad I found something with wings.
IN THE FUTURE: I will definitely bring my children and the dog...and a duck decoy.


Mark and Emily said...

COOL!! I love all the pictures, it's just so beautiful!

The Trumans said...

Beautiful! Nice boots you are sporting..niiiice..lol. Too bad you didnt find the ducks. :)

Ashleigh said...

I remeber that underwater city... too cool. I would love to go back there sometime. Thanks for bringing us on your adventure through the wet lands. This was fun.

MannClan said...

I also remember the underwater city. The perfectly paved road that went down, down, down into the deep. It used to be part of the old town that was abandoned when they put the dam in the Columbia river. They moved what they could inland but the rest stayed behind to get buried by water. Those we some fun days.