About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Sunday, November 22


What brings the Holiday spirit in?...

It is yet again another year. Another winter with snow on the ground. I am a little surprised I survived another year in Alaska...I sure didn't HOPE I would have to, but nevertheless... its here.

Today it's a beautiful day. A blanket of white snow sits on the ground and in the trees. There is also this sun that is hitting me in the eyes as I look out the window. I kicked the kids outside to go play in the snow. Yes, Im one of those moms. Rain or shine, they are outside. The excitement for snow doesn't last that long. Really.But it brings in the holiday spirit.

Thanksgiving is coming up. Are you excited? I'm trying to get excited. I'm thinking about smoking the turkey but I might just do it the traditional way. It's alot less work. And I need less work.What is going to excite me this year is allowing the kids to help me with the preparation of the meal. Andy will be working nights so his mood might not be the best, but he will be there. And I will be making a pumpkin roll witch will make it all worth it....mmmm..That will bring the holiday spirit.

Hot Buttered..Holiday Spice drink. I just need to make a big batch of this right now because one cup of this, brings the holiday spirit in for me. It's so warming and spicy with the smell of nutmeg and cinnamon. You start your morning with one of these! How could you not like the holidays.?

[this is where you tell me about the bills and all the negative stuff that goes with it.Because yes, the holidays do take a big chunk out of the bank]

Enjoy your day...your time...your youth. Enjoy the season.

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

brrrrrr.... those pictures make me cold. I need my blanky and a warm cup of coco.