Today I am 15 weeks along. The baby is the size of an apple.
Pregnancy had been going easy. I was surprised with the lack of sickness and strain I was having. But like all good things, that has now come to an end. I have been sick almost every other day for the last 2 weeks.
This baby creates these awful headaches that are associated with body aches. I'm not sleeping at night soundly and parts of my body become numb over time when I sleep. I also am having evening sickness (vs morning sickness).
What seems the hardest is the energy factor. It is an act of congress to do the dishes or vacuum the floor. Andy is working alot and I can't seem to get everything done in the day (between the energy factor and the sickness). Dinners are basic like mac-n-cheese or burritos. My laundry pile has been sitting on my couch for a week.
I hope this all goes away soon. I want to get organized again and enjoy the holidays. I would like to plan for weekend outings with the kids. But for now, all I can do is relax and try to get over these headaches that go down my back.
Yes, pregnancy isn't fun. It isn't fun for anyone here anyway. I feel bad because I can't do much when I feel sick.
Hang in there! I know it's challenging, so don't be hard on yourself for doing less "stuff". You are growing a baby! That is the coolest thing ever and more important that a fancy dinner or a perfect house.
Rent some Christmas movies, have the kids make cocoa, and relax!
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. That's the pits. Don't worry about the house too much though. It will get done. This season will pass. I find I'm reminding myself of that a lot lately--about other things. Just basic stuff like not letting myself get too caught up in little things when I should be enjoying my kids at the stage they are in. You know what I mean. Just trying to enjoy where I'm at as much as possible. Cause you know how we humans are. We always seem to complain about the season we're in. Winter is too cold or snowy, but then when we realize it's over and spring is here, we've got yucky wet rain to deal with. And we think how at least the snow was pretty.
Anyway, just some of my thoughts lately. Hope you'll have a better day tomorrow.
It'll pass quickly- just remember that.
I love the picture of the heart a couple posts ago- it is beautiful and I think it would a really cool card. I can tell just over the last several months how much your talent has improved with photography- great job! Keep it up.
Beth I hear ya! It will get better, and you will have a beautiful FOURTH baby in the end! :)
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