About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Monday, May 17


How far into the future will this little boy join us? Of course, you never know. There are signs that point you in the direction and let you know when your closer. I am now 37 weeks along and according to the maternal calendar, that means 3 more weeks...

With that said, I have been having signs that tell me other wise. My legs and arms are swelling and for the last 3 days, I have experienced the braxton hicks. Yes, the fake ones. But tonight, I had some real, painful ones that got me thinking...will it be sooner?

If it is, am I ready? Mentally, yes. Physically...no. I have had stress of finding somewhere to live by the first of June, and have neglected to think about the babies needs. Like clothes and washing the car seat that still sits in my garage. I don't even own a breast pump or diapers. Can you believe that? This poor baby..

Metaphorically speaking -Why is my oil lamp not full? Why have I procrastinated? I know it is because I think I have more time. And I can't seem to get past that. I keep telling myself "I am going to have a baby...I am going to have a baby.... I...am...going...to...have a baby...and I'm not ready."

With the contractions tonight, I realize the baby is coming sooner or later and I need to be ready. Weather I have a house or not, there will be a baby. My concentration is going to be on that for the next 2 days so I can prepare. It is time! My little future mine rescue member...I can't wait for you!


Rachel said...

I hear ya! I'm a few weeks behind you and I don't feel very ready either. I got my online class done the other day, so now it's time to focus on the baby...and VBS :)
Ahh, too much going on, huh?
I've been thinking of you a lot lately and wondering how your home search is going. There's a house for sale on our street, but I haven't noticed anything posted as being "for rent". Hope something turns up soon.

Unknown said...

Beth, there is a house for rent on Poplar, right off of Duran St. It has a For Rent sign on the mailbox and I think in the window too. It is a two story attached house or duplex, nice looking place. When I drive by today, I will write down the number for you.

Unknown said...

I gave you the wrong street. The house for rent is 3802 Portage St. and the number is 209-9211

Bethany said...

Thanks Janet. We are going to go look at houses on Thursday so we will drive by or call tomorrow.