About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Thursday, February 17


Has it really been 2 weeks since I have made a post? What can I say about that. 2 weeks goes by fast. The last 2 weeks, there has been alot of activity. I hosted a family in my house that I didn't know, completely cleaned and organized my filing cabinet, completed a couple photo shoots, (that's just the smaller things), and did I stop to smell the roses??...yes I did.

On January 28th, Morgan turned 7 years old. Treys birthday is on February 6th and he will be turning 11. Grandma Lloyd flew up to Alaska as a surprise. I knew about the surprise for some time, but the kids had no idea. They hadn't seen her in almost 2 years. We set it up. Grandma was hiding in Morgans room and when the kids got home from school, Andy acted like Mattie destroyed her room and THEY had to clean it up....

 So, grandma waited in their room next to the closet. (I know she is going to hate this picture, but its so cute. I love the excitement for the surprise)
We could hear them outside, but it took them forever to get inside. Trey walked in and Andy asked where Morgan was. He said she's coming (Morgan is the slowest child. It took her 10 minutes to crawl up the stairs.) They both walked in the door, and Andy gave them that look...the mean look. He said "You better get into Morgans room right now and get it cleaned up!!! Mattie messed it up and you 2 need to get in there right now."
Morgan started to cry stating "I shouldn't have to clean...it's my birthday." Trey gave us that look like life sucks and continued walking. I was in the bedroom too waiting with the video camera. Morgan walked in and went straight to her bed. Trey walked in and looked at me and then he turned....
Shocked and utterly silent, he looked at Grandma Lloyd and ran to her with his arms wide open and the biggest grin on his face. Morgan then saw what was behind her and was like "what's going on?" She then found out Dad was joking and there was really a big surprise hidden in there room.

Grandma Lloyd stayed with us for a whole week. These kids are spoiled.

1 comment:

Mark and Emily said...

HOW CUTE!!!!! Surprises are soooo much fun!