About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Sunday, March 6


On Thursday at UAS, the photography class went on a field trip. For the fieldtrip, we were learning how to light write. Items needed for this assignment was a camera, a tripod, and a flashlight.
Right outside the door of the classroom is a lake that is frozen solid (for the time being.) The class went out on the lake, into the pitch black, and learned how to light write. It's really easy and fun to do.

1st-find the "bulb" setting on your camera. This means that you control when your shutter opens...and when it closes. The bulb is a fun setting to play with with night photography. Lets just face it, night photography is cool in itself, but to add extra, funky colors from just a flashlight, is awesome.
 Message me if your interested in learning how to do this. Alot of fun!


Karrie said...

That is so cool!

Raven said...

You are getting SO good! I can't wait to see you and have our pics taken. I will pay you in margaritas on the boat, how does that sound lol!