About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Friday, August 22

Home buying experience

What is it about buying a home? I have asked myself over and over again, do I want to buy this house? Is it the right thing to do? I am so confused. On one hand, I love my neighborhood and all the memmories I have created in my home. On the other hand, I feel eventually I need to be closer to family but for right now, Juneau is the place for me. Im not quite ready to leave. I think the people keep me here. If it wasn't for them, the ginuine friendships, I wouldn't survive the rain and snow. I have gotten out this year and explored the mountains of Juneau. My marriage is stronger than it has ever been. I have gained so much more faith in God than ever in my life here. These are the things that are going to make it hard to leave.

The last time we bought our home in Nevada, our first home, it was so exciting. I loved the house and couldn't wait until we got it. It was our home. The whole process was exciting. This time is was SOOOO STRESSFUL.

It was with our landlord and most would think they would be friendly if you were wanting to buy their property...but no, not Al. It all started out wrong in April when he told us he wanted to sell the house to us. So we said, ok, figure out how much you want. So he had a realator come and look at it and he came to us and said "289..." First of all, we rented this house for 2 years (not a single payment late and kept the house standing), and he didn't even give us a break??! I said, good luck. He turned around, listed it with a realitor for 289. We had to show his stupid house and our contract wasn't up until July. So, we had people coming through our property and so I had to clean the house every single time.

2 months past, only 2 people looked at the property. So he dropped the price to 279

2 more months past, one person looked at the property...so he dropped the price to 269.

He came to us again at this point and said "you would be getting a good deal if you bought the house now and then we could be done and you would own it."
We went down, put in an offer for 269 and they pay for all closing cost and part of our down. He countered 279 and they will pay closing costs.

Offer 2: 275 and they pay closing cost and down. He countered back 275, closing costs, the house is "as is" and all there junk we have to haul. He has made this difficult.

Offer 3: I said 270, closing costs and down, they haul their junk, and we get our rent deposit back. This was our final offer, take it or leave it. He still Counter back! We finally said, no.

I don't think I am being difficult. A home is an investment. This home isn't even going to appraise past 272 anyway. There are a lot of other homes out there. He wants to be difficult.
I had to get it all off my chest. It has been a long 2 weeks.


Lela Paden said...

I was bummed to find out you won't be buying the house. However I do understand that Al has to have the last say. I hope he gets the price he is asking. I don't think he will though. Maybe he will come to his sences and sell the house to you for less than he is asking. Wishful thinking. God will bless your family where ever he plants you. Here in Juneau would be good. But if he chooses somewhere else you will be blessed their as well. I love having your family next door to us. Have a great day. Lela

Ashleigh said...

GOOD FOR YOU! he should have taken your first offer if you ask me. the market is not good right now and if you want to sell your house you have to make sacrifices. the prices are down, he needs to realize that. too bad for him, thats what he gets for being greedy.