About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Saturday, September 20

Moose Hunt 101

I guess I better tell you all about a little moose hunt 101. It's not all fun and games...only the tough survive and the weak, well sometimes they are the smart ones. So here we go.
Survival: Before you go moose hunting, you have to put in 50 hours of frogger to prepare for the country. What you see here is what they call muskeg. When walking in it, make sure you jump from clump to clump of grass. If you happen to miss, underneath lies a couple feet of water that is extremely hard to walk in. Lesson #2- Equipment
Make sure you have a RELIABLE form of transportation. Make sure it drives and can take on a little water. If not, you could be stuck. This should be a good example of what not to do because this piece of equipment does not float OR drive regularly. Actually, it is kinda a form of false security. Most of the trip it was barely making it. WARNING:DON'T ATTEMPT TO CROSS RUNNING WATER EITHER WITHOUT A PADDLE.
Lesson #3: Water Purifing: Make sure you have a good water pump or fresh water. Even though this looks like lemonade, it really is purified water....

Lesson #4-Setting up your camp. Make sure you have a soft spot to lay on...remember, you'll be there for 10 days. MOST IMPORTANTLY, DON'T STEIL THE NATIVES CAMP!

Lesson #5-If all options fail and you don't get a moose, at least enjoy the view and appreciate the time away because when you get back home, it's tripple the work... changing diapers, taking the garbage out, and letting your wife relax.


Lela Paden said...

I Don't see any Moose!!

David Kirk said...

You have to hunt for them!

Ashleigh said...
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Ashleigh said...

is that pee in that jug? better not be. gross! anyways, andy is looking like he is ready to get a moose. is he sleeping?

Raven said...

I love your family blog! You are so good at it! I am trying to start my own right now..wish me luck!! :)