About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Saturday, August 1


The trip started out driving up Eaglecrest, the ski resort. The zipline is located off to the right of the runs. Then we went into this tent and got all geared up.

The first zip was called the bunny hill. Very easy. I was nervous where Andy didn't show any signs of distress. After that zip, I soon realized how fun this was.

The 3rd platform was called the leap of faith and climbed up stairs to get to it. This is the point we were high in the trees and the zipline got longer. I was getting the hang of things when the tour guide was trying to be funny. He is supposed to catch you at the end, and all I saw was his back to me as I approached. He was trying to scare me.

At this platform, they treated us to some tea made from spruce tips. It was surprisingly good. As we sat there and chatted, it gave us a good opportunity to take pictures and one of the guides to gather wild blueberries for us off the mountainside.

The challenge on this platform was to go without hands. I think we all felt more comfortable with the experience that this was no big deal. The nerves switched and we all were having a great time. Even the 2 girls with us were great company.

So this platform brought us to a Sitka spruce. Sitka spruce smells like vanilla and to prove it, they had us all smell it. The view from here was amazing! Streams below, flowers all over, and just flat out paradise. We sat at this platform for about 15minutes just talking and enjoying the weather before attempting the next obstacle.

On this zipline they wanted us to be creative. but with me, they gave me a specific task to lay out flat like "a starfish". So I did. Had I known the guides were up to something. They wanted me to get stuck out there! But I barely made it and the guide had to grab my hand and pull me in. Comedy!

The last thing was to cross the bridge...a hanging bridge like Indiana Jones. Andy tried to shake me off...feel the love, feel the love.

At the very end we got a group picture outside the lodge. It was a great trip and I recommend it.


Erin said...

Great pictures! What a fun anniversary!

Melissa said...

how much does this fun trip cost? it looks like a blast!

Bethany said...

Well, for residents of Alaska, it is only 89.00/pp. The tour is 4 hours in length.

Brooks said...

Fun!!! You look like a natural! Very cute too!