About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Tuesday, September 8


The other day, I was talking to my friend Raven on the phone and couldn't believe how long we had been friends. . Actually...the first time we met was my sister and I were walking on the bike path in Pasco and there were these swing sets off to the right of the path. We loved to swing on these swings, but this time there were these 2 other girls that saw us coming and jumped on the swings. I didn't realize this was her because technically, we didn't know each other. I then met her as a freshman in high school in French class. I remember we would make fun of the teacher. Now, 14 years later, we are still friends. Here is what I love about her.

R-Really talented. Raven has always wrote the best sayings and poems. I remember she also made the best scrapbooks that you could look at for hours. Her house always inspires me to update my own.

A-Awesome fashion. In high school, her closet had the coolest clothes to borrow. It didn't stop there. I actually think her closet is the size of my room filled with the cutest clothes.

V-Very opinionated and Verbal. I love this about her. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and sometimes, it catches me by surprise. Her honesty is what makes her have a strong personality.

E-Easy to hang out with. I laugh so hard every time we get together. She asks the funniest things and it's like we know exactly what each other is thinking before it's said. We laugh about anything. Or maybe it's she is laughing at me because I'm so crazy? Na, it can't be that. I also remember numerous times, pulling out the camera and jumping into the Columbia River in the middle of winter.

N-Not everything has to be planned. Last minute will work with her. She loves to snowboard, just like me. One time, we decided at 8am to drive to Silver Mountain, ID. It took us about 5 hours to get there and hit the slopes right away. We got on this trail that was kinda flat and my board caught the edge and I landed right on my chest, knocking the wind out of me. She sat there, not concerned, but laughed her head off. I couldn't help but laugh once I could breath. Then I had to pee, which made me laugh harder! We continued on this trail and ran into some fresh powder. Before long, we couldn't see the runs and looked around. We were no longer on the ski-resort but were on snow mobile trails. It took us forever to take our boards off and hike out of the mess.

Thanks for sticking with me Raven. Can't wait to laugh until I pee my pants again.


Raven said...

OMG OMG OMG!!!! That first picture of me! SO BAD!!! I was going to tell you to TAKE IT OFF but then I saw that you had put a good current one of me on there hahaha!!! Yes Beth, we have had some good times! I agree in the laughing til we pee, it's always a good time when we get together! I miss you! Move back here to Tri-Cities with me. I get so bored and we can be stay-at-home mommas who hang out while our kids play. Can you only imagine how fun that would be??

p.s. and that post was SO sweet!! I'm also glad we kept in touch and have remained friends for so long. Now I have to pull out some photos of us from back in the day and post those haha!!

Raven said...

p.p.s. I totally remember that time you totally bit it while snowboarding. You hit HARD! I mean, it was like you went down face first on the pavement. And I only laughed AFTER I knew you were ok. :)

Ashleigh said...

ahhh thats sweet. It is so nice to have a friend that sticks with you even after you move around so much. Thats how you know you are true friends. Whats not to love about Raven? All I have to say is that she has a kick A** name. What a nice post beth. I am glad you two are still friends.

Bethany said...

That's funny. The kick A. name thing. And Raven, I totally knew you were going to say that about that picture, so I put one of me too. That was all I had converted from film! But then I stole some pictures from your myspace to make you feel better about it.