About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Friday, October 9

A Family Update

The first week of October in Juneau has been beautiful. The fall has brought us lots of color and quite a few days of clear skies! It is definitely cooling off outside and we started pulling out our winter gear. We also got out and raked the yard as a family. It was a task that needed to be done and I never knew it could be so enjoyable. I love seeing my kids all work together. Andy came out about 20minutes before we were done. Don't ask me why. The kids didn't even think he should be able to jump into the leaves, but they quickly forgave.

Mattie has been potty training, for like a month and a half. It is not going the best but we are working on it. She now will not go #2. I think punishing her for going in her panties has now caused her to not want to go. Who would have guessed? She is a very stubborn child.

I have discovered how much she loves her Daddy. She loves snuggling with him on the couch and follows him all around. She even sneaks into our bed at night and gets on "Dads side" of the bed. She is definitely spoiled by her dad. So,While raking the yard, they work side by side. It's precious.

Morgan is loving Kindergarten! She comes home from school and gets right to her homework. She has learned to write the word "the" and numerous letters of the alphabet.

She says she has lots of friends. We even have boys chasing her. Yes.It has already started. Listen to this! At the football game...there were 2 boys fighting over her. One boy was following her around. Then,the other boy went and grabbed her hand (like he was rescuing her) and pulled her all the way to the top of the bleachers... Before we left, she gave both boys a hug! (Little player) Can you believe that? Andy was shocked. I don't think he knew what to do. He didn't have his arsenal set up quite yet.

Trey is surprising me. I notice he comes home from school and independently, gets all his homework done. He is reading the first book of the Harry Potter series and likes reading along to books on tape. He reads for about an hour a day! He reads more than I do, I can't complain. It is definately a huge change from 3rd grade. While raking the leaves, Andy and Trey kept wrestling. Trey knew he was going into the leaf pile when it was done. It was just a matter of time...
Football season is almost over as this weekend is the playoffs (yea, yeah!) He has improved his game and skills. It's important for him to learn to work as a team. He is a good boy.
I'm proud of him for sticking it out through the whole season.


Lela Paden said...

I love the family picture... It looks like you all are having a fun time as a family. We've been sick over here and I am so ready for this to be done. Have a great weekend.

Ashleigh said...

Look like Andy was having fun witht he kids. Dont you love the fall season? Timke to cozy up in a blanket, listen to jazz music and cook some soup. mmm..