About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Saturday, October 10

1st Announcement

(In June 2010, there will be another)


Rachel said...

WOW! Congratulations. That's very exciting. Hope your pregnancy is off to a great start.

Brooklet said...

Congratulations! How exciting! I hope that you are feeling okay!

Lela Paden said...

yeah! another vaughn... so happy for you. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Praying all goes well in this pregnancy.

Ashleigh said...

Just wanted to say I was the first to know!! I guessed it. I cant believe it. Congrats!

Raven said...

hey you ARE pregnant!!! I knew it! You were probably pregnant when I talked to you on the phone the other day :)

Katie paden said...

AHHHHHHH why didnt you tell me????? i am sooooooooooo excited=D cant wait to be babysitter for that one!(and the acctual day of arrival for the other three?????? just an advanced dibs on kids=D) love you guys =D

The Trumans said...

That is awesome Beth!! Congratulations --Hugs, Karrie

Kelsey said...

Congrats Bethany! How exciting!

Mark and Emily said...

CONGRATS!!!!! That is so exciting... our babies will be the same age! I hope you are feeling good.

Bethany said...

I am feeling pregnant. Hot flashes, nasia flashes, and lots of headaches, and don't sleep through the night.So yes, I'm feeling it. However, this is my 4th so I'm thinking I should just toughen up...it's going to be a long 9 months. But, it will be worth it :)

Dana Wyatt said...

Wow! Congratulations, Beth. I pray you have a blessed pregnancy and birth :)