About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Tuesday, November 3

Shannadoah Valley

I arrived at Regan National Airport Tuesday night around 10pm. There was a 4 hour time difference than Juneau, but I was still exhausted.( My exhaustion might have had something to do with a cold that was in full swing at this point) My mom, Karrie, and Tiffany came and picked me up and it was a beautiful night, not a cloud in the sky. We drove by the Regan monument and it was all lit up in the dark night. We stopped at a grocery store because we needed to buy a cake. It's a Lloyd thing, we have a thing for sweets. Once we got to the house and settled in, it was around 1pm when we finally got to sleep. We had to get an early start the next day.

9am-Woke up.
12pm-Left the house. Our early start didn't happen (this is a Lloyd thing). We were headed to the Shannadoah National Park which was about a 2 hour drive. Along the way, we stopped at my brothers work and visited with him. It has been YEARS since I have seen him and I have to say, he hasn't changed a bit. He is still the most loving,funny, big brother you could ask for. Jason is now engaged to Jannett, who is really great.

The '''Shenandoah Valley''' is both a region of Virginia and West Virginia. The valley is bound to the east by the Blue Ridge Mountains, to the west by the eastern front of the Appalachians, and to the north by the Potomac River. In the fall, this land is beautifully untouched by man and abundant with trees. Here are pictures on Skyline Drive.

A view.

Taking a break.

A pod releasing it's seeds for the next years growth. This picture was taken for an assignment titled "Inside Out".
On our way back, a black bear ran out in front of us. I didn't expect that.
There are 4 deer in this picture...and I was about 5 feet away from them. It was amazing that they were in the middle of the woods, and not afraid.
This one, cars were practically touching it, and it wasn't afraid. One guy was freeking out because it was a 5 point buck.
We drove back at sunset. When we arrived home,Tiffany had made these AWESOME chipolte burritos. They were soooo good, but we all know what happens after you eat burritos...

The next day, we were headed to Gettysburg and the Hershey Chocolate Factory in PA. I went to bed fairly early, because I knew we had to get an early start.


Brooklet said...

beautiful pictures- it looks absolutely beautiful there. (and we are so close, I should take my fam out for a drive there before all teh leaves are gone). I can't wait to see and hear more about your trip.

Erin said...

Amazing pictures Beth! I am very impressed. Love the deer pics and the seed pod, and all the others- great job!!!!