About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Tuesday, April 27


April 2010...the month that never seams to end. First I want to say I am not complaining in this post, just simply confessing that this month has been 1 thing after another. You can say, it's been "One of those months." I would love to say it was full of blooming flowers...but really, it has been piles of cow manure that needs shoveld.

It all started out on April 3rd with the stomach flu. Mattie was the first to get it. Then I got it. It cycled through the whole house in 48 hour increments. This means not only do you have a sick family, but your daily duties still go on...lovely.
Halfway through the stomach flu, the week long cold decides to join the party...uninvited. Andy was the first to get this one. This was hard because I needed his help and he could barely make it to work. I remember going to bed at night myself, not wanting to wake up the next morning. It was the cold that punched you in the face and then kept beating you down.

April 8th-The weather was sunny and hailing, all at the same time.
April 9th- Found out someone had been using my credit card in Las Vegas. They got their hair done, went to Jack in the box, and Pizza Hut. I hope they had a fun time...actually, I hope they rot in Jail.

April 10th- I got the cold. The treacherous, knockout, blackout... cold. Being 32 weeks pregnant and not being able to breath or sleep was hard. I definitely didn't want to get up in the morning because I basically didn't sleep at night. Thank goodness Andy was home on his long change from the mine (AKA-1 week off of work).

April 14th-I went to the doctor for my 32 week OB check-up and failed my 1 hour glucose test...lovely. That meant I had to go back, spend 3 hours drawing blood (starving), just for them to say I'm fine. I was getting over the cold for the most part, but I started to notice this little pain in my left chest. Every time I took a breath, I felt this little pain that made me say "ooohh, that kinda hurts."

April 15th-Started watching 3-4 daycare kids for the neighbor while she enjoyed a vacation with her family to Hawaii!! (spoiled brat...)
They are all girls between the ages of 3-5. More like a playgroup for Mattie. (It was a blessing that they are all good kids. I actually love this group of girls.)

That little pain in my left chest had grown over 3 days. It now hurt to lay on my left side and move freely. It felt like when you swallow a chip that goes down the wrong way and you can't get it dissolved. It really hurt to the point that I knew I needed to get it checked out right away. So around 2pm, I went to the ER....
(To be continued)
Oh, this is just the beginning. This month gets better...Your just getting to the meat of the story.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Not a fun month for your family to say the least! Here's to an awesome and WELL deserved MAY!!!