About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Tuesday, April 6


WHEN WILL THE DAY BE THAT WE WILL BE OWNERS OF OUR DREAM HOME? Is this a question you find yourself asking? I think of this all the time. The things I want:

1. acres of land. This would be nice if it was acres of land with a couple close neighbors. I love acres because then you can run on your own property, ride 4-wheelers around, and at night, beable to sit outside and go pee in your front yard if you wanted... (ok, I personally would never do the last one, but you get the point)

2. Not an oversized house (because that means more cleaning), but a house large enough that my family has room to relax. Probably close to 2000 square feet is a good size.

3. A den for all of Andys trophies. And when I mean trophies, I mean the stuffed animals that now reside in 3 areas of the house. The den would be perfect for him to bring his friends and family over and talk about all the hunting stories, adventures, and future dream hunts. A testosterone driven room with little to no estrogen....but that means, I get the rest of the house.

4. THIS SHOULD BE #1, BUT I WILL PUT IT HERE. A hot tub. A hot tub, outside. Plain and simple. This should be an easy one...

5. OPEN FLOOR PLAN. To let in ALOT of light. I can't stand houses that are all closed in and dark.

6. A PLACE FOR OTHER FAMILY. This is important IF I want people to come visit. They won't if you don't have somewhere for them to fit. Even if it is a small room, this is important. It could be substituted for RV parking, OR a place for a tent.

7. A GARAGE OR A SHOP. I love to have organization and a little bit of storage. This would be really nice.

Hopefully someday we find what we want. It's interesting to look at all options and find the exact pair for our family. Every family is different, and ours...? sophisticated country I think.


Raven said...

haha Rob goes pee off our deck all the time....just thought I would share :)

Brooklet said...

To big things for me is having a big yard- room for the kiddos to run around, play, pretend. And having enough storage- in the form of garage, shed, etc.

Rachel said...

I like your idea of a den for Andy's trophies! I'm a bit surprised at myself for getting so used to all of my husband's trophies that adorn the walls of our living room. Never thought I'd be so okay with that.

Olivia Orsborn said...

I think I am right on track with your wishes! I'd like a really big entry way and A HUGE garage would be nice, I'm tired of sheds. I am sooooo ready for a bigger place with lots of land! We've, however, have vowed to pay off all our debt first so we have a few years before we can start putting a sizeable amount of money away for a house, especially here in Juneau!

Bethany said...

Raven, you go pee off the deck too don't you?? hahaha....