About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Wednesday, December 10


I made a stop along my christmas journey to visit the Governor of Alaska yesturday. I'm knew she would need some christmas cheer and for all her hard work this year, what a better time to give gratitude.
Good thing I am not alone in this world because there just so happened to be a celebration at the mansion that day that the whole community was invited to. Outside the mansion was a line of people ready to meet the governor. Trey, Morgan, Mattie and I stood in the line all bundled up in our winter gear. It was about 34 deg. outside. The governor had it all planned out very well and handed out cookies and hot apple cider to all her guests as we waited.
I saw the childrens excitement when they saw all the lights on the house. Here in Juneau, people don't decorate there homes with lights as much as down south. That is one thing I miss. But to top it off, they got apple cider and cookies from a man dressed in a suit like he just stepped out of "the men in black."It tolk us about 10 minutes but it was very relaxing. Along with the beverages, there were carolers!Do you remember christmas coroling? When I was a kid, we would put baskets with food together and go around caroling to friends and family. We even had our own books. It was a big tradition in my younger years.Even church choirs got in on the action to set the mood.Here we are with our governor Sarah Palin. If you didn't know, she is on the forbes top 10 list of most inspiration people of 2008 and she definately has our vote. She has done a lot for Alaska and will continue. How many places have you lived that you have no Idea what the governor does for your state? I definately give my gratitude for her and her family. I hope someday, she can make it to Washington and make an impact up there. Anyone with me? NRA? Drill Baby Drill? Cracks in the Ceiling?...Ok, the election is over, I know. Lets all remember the Men and Women who serve our Country this holiday season. When our country is having hard times, we can at the very least spread the word of cheer and gratitude.


The Trumans said...

Wow that is totally awesome! You met someone FAMOUS!! Sounds like you had a great night. That picture will be a great memory for you.

Rachel said...

I'm so bummed that I didn't know about this until the morning after. I totally would have gone. Great pictures.

Mark and Emily said...

That is SO COOL!! I can't believe you met her, that's amazing! Sounds like you had a good time!

Raven said...

What? You met Sarah Palin? NOT FAIR! That is so awesome!!