About Me

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Hello! I am Bethany, a mom of 4 beautiful children, a owner of a dog, and married to a miner/hunter. (Camo is a popular color in our home). We recently relocated to the UP of Michigan from Juneau,Alaska...a huge adjustment. I have a passion for photography and documenting our journey through life. But, most of the time Im busy with my kids, hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet, or trying to find my dog because he runs away all the time. Welcome to our world...always full of adventure.

Saturday, June 20

Our ALASKAN Dinner

I know your all wondering what this cut of meat was. So I guess since someone guessed the right answer I should tell you. But before I tell you, I have a story.

About 5 years ago I married this man named Andy. Andy is a die hard hunter. Lets just say his battery for hunting...never runs out. He has hunted since he was 5 years old and it all started out with a bb gun and a dad with alot of patience.

4 years ago-- I decided to do the noble wife thing and take hunters safety. How was I going to know anything about my husbands interests if I didn't take a class?.. Right? I took a class, I passed, and I learned all the ways to carry a weapon safely. I also learned how to shoot all types of guns. In the fall/winter of 2005, I did hunt and filled 2 big game tags. I haven't hunted since then because of all the little children I now possess.

2 summers ago-
Andy went Moose hunting up in the interior of Alaska. He came back with a 57 inch bull moose. (That would be bigger than these) Along with the moose, came alot of meat! 680 pds to be exact. Now we are all out of moose but THIS was the last package!! You know what it was???

MOOSE HEART!!!! I know you are all covering your mouths right now and peaking through the cracks of your fingers. To top it off, it is Andy's favorite cut of meat. He loves the heart. Especially if you cut it really thin and fry it! This time I didn't do that I just poured stewed tomatoes,sliced onions, garlic, A-1 steak sauce, and a little Marsala wine(it takes the game flavor out)
Anyone want to come over for dinner?


The Trumans said...

interesting..I dont know that I would want to try moose heart..sounds ewey..but that picture sure makes it look good!! Yum!

Brooklet said...

barf- no doubt about it. I really didn't like the venison that we had from Cody's hunt- I decided that anything you have to douse in a-1 steak sauce to get the game out, is not my cut meat!

Kudos to you for being daring and supportive!

Ashleigh said...

I cant believe I guessed correctly! Does that mean I win? I better have.